What we offer
- End of life care
- Symptom management
- 24/7 access to specialist medical support
- Community care
- Care after death / bereavement support
- Specialist short breaks
- Education and training
- Antenatal / perinatal palliative care
- Advance care planning - what are your wishes if your child becomes unwell?
- Referrals - care and bereavement
- Family support and clinical psychology, spiritual care and therapies

Our care team
The hospice has its own team of specialist doctors who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. A team of Clinical Nurse Specialists work closely with the medical team to provide specialist palliative care across hospice, hospital and community setting, focusing on the individual's quality of life and their wishes.
In-house, there are nurses on each shift, along with other team members with varied skills and expertise. Our team has the experience and skills to look after children with a range of highly complex needs. Care is holistic and supported by a skilled multi-disciplinary team.
Family-led care
We actively listen to children, young people, and their families and work together in all decision making. We work hard to facilitate families making well-informed choices about care, treatment and end of life issues.